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Biomediations: introduction (redirected from Introduccion Introduction)

Page history last edited by Joanna Zylinska 11 years ago

‘Life’ signifies many things. To begin with, it is a philosophical abstraction referring to our meaningful existence in the world. Yet ‘life’ also refers to biological processes taking place at environmental, social and cellular levels, and to results of technical experiments conducted within the nexus of wet labs and computer labs. Life as such doesn’t therefore exist: it is always mediated by language, culture, technology and biology. It is these multiple mediations of life that form the theme of this liquid living book. The book was speed-edited at the Festival of New Media Art and Video Transitio_MX 05 BIOMEDIATIONS (Biomediaciones) in Mexico City in September 2013. The term ‘biomediations’ encapsulates life’s own inherent dynamism that unfolds at environmental, social and cellular level. It also captures the creative, dynamic and evolving nature of media. BIOMEDIATIONS explores this intertwined process, whereby life is always mediated and whereby media themselves are seen as living – i.e. composed of both technological and biological elements, and capable of generating new forms, unprecedented connections and unexpected events.



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