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'We're All Game Changers Now': Open Education - A Study in Disruption

Page history last edited by Gary Hall 11 years, 4 months ago









Part I

There are at least two reasons it is important to experiment, critically, with the institution of the university at this particular moment in its history. In a chapter on ‘The Rise of the Global University’ in his 2009 book, Nice Work If You Can Get It, Andrew Ross predicts it is only a matter of time before we see the beginnings of a global university on the ‘model of the global corporation’ such as News Corporation, Time Warner, Coca-cola, Elsevier and Pearson... (To continue reading, click here)


Part II

Given our shared interest in the ability of new forms of networked technologies, open access digital publishing, collaborative web tools and sociable spaces to enhance educational activity, the ‘free’, horizontal, self-organised learning communities, or ‘universities’, that emerged in recent years with the student and anti-austerity protests and global Occupy movement have undoubtedly been one of the motivating impulses behind the writing of this 'book'... (To continue reading, click here)



A number of factors are today making possible that which for decades could only be dreamt of: namely, the widespread provision of free, online, Open Education (and Open Educational Resources), regardless of a student’s geographic location, personal or financial status, or ability to access the conventional institutions of learning — to identify just some of the typical barriers to learning as they are traditionally construed... (To continue reading, click here)



Globalisation and the ‘Learning Revolution’

Higher education has reflected the influences of globalisation for decades, if not centuries. Within the current generation, the courting of international, fee-paying students, the initiation of global franchises, partnerships and ‘systems’, as well as the development of (long-)distance learning packages testify, in a variety of ways, to the steady enlargement of individual Higher Educational Institutions’ operational terrain (their ‘market’), and the opportunities that are perceived to exist in an expansion of the traditional responsibilities — and de facto  relationships — of universities to a particular locale, its civic, regulatory and funding bodies, and its potential student community... (To continue reading, click here)

Key Trends

Online Learning & Social Media

The Open Access Movement, IPR, Piracy

The Student, The University, Knowledge

Commercial Interests

Whither the Book?

News Corp unveils education unit Amplify

Google Academy launches media incubator – creator space

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