
Transparency and Secrecy

Page history last edited by smaret 6 years, 10 months ago

This is an openly curated page of open access resources and readings on transparency and secrecy. If you would like to add a link, you will need to request to become a user first. Please only add links to resources that are free to access and do not reside behind any paywall.


Adams, Guy B, & Balfour, Danny L. "Open Secrets": The Masked Dynamics of Ethical Failures and Administrative Evil


Alloa, Emmanuel. Architectures of Transparency


Assange, Julian. State and Terrorist Conspiracies


Bannister, Frank, & Connolly, Regina. The Trouble with Transparency: A Critical View of Openness in e-Government


Bauman, Zygmunt. Privacy, Secrecy, Intimacy, Human Bonds - And Other Collateral Casualties of Liquid Modernity


BBC. The History of Secrecy


Benkler, Yocahi. A Free, Irresponsible Press; WikiLeaks and the Battle over the Soul of the Fourth Estate


Berlant, Lauren. Writing Light


Biedelman, Thomas O. Secrecy and Society: The Paradox of Knowing and the Knowing of Paradox


Birchall, Clare. Aesthetics of the Secret  / Shareveillance


Blas, Zach. Facial Weaponization Suite / Informatic Opacity


Blumenthal, Paul. The History of Transparency


Boesel, Whitney Erin. Cyborgology: A New Privacy


Brunton, Finn. After WikiLeaks, Us / KeySpace: WikiLeaks and the Assange Papers


Catanzariti, Mariavittoria. New Arcana Imperii


Chinen, Mark A. Secrecy and Democratic Decisions


Coleman, G. What We Can Learn from Anonymous


Curtin, Deirdre. Top Secret Europe


Fenster, Mark. Disclosure's Effects: WikiLeaks and Transparency  /  The Transparency Fix


Future Human Podcast. Transparent Life #13


Gallsion, Peter. Removing Knowledge / Secrecy, Surveillance, and the Self


Gibbs, David N. Sigmund Freud as a Theorist of Government Secrecy 


The Guardian. Secret Courts: The Essential Guide


Geroulanos, Stefanos. Transparency in Postwar France


Giri, Saroj. WikiLeaks beyond WikiLeaks


Gup, Ted. Investigative Reporting about Secrecy


Hood, Christopher. From FOI World to WikiLeaks World


Horton, Scott. Weber—‘Official Secrets’ and Bureaucratic Warfare / Beltway Secrecy


Laruelle, Francois. The Truth According to Hermes: Theorems on the Secret and Communication


Lee, Pamela M. Open Secret: The Work of Art Between Disclosure and Redaction


Leitao, Carla. Meta-Transparency: Mixing Science with Social Networks and Politics


Leonard, J. William. The Corrupting Influence of Secrecy on National Security Policy Decisions


McDermott, Patrice. Secrecy Reform or Secrecy Redux: Access to Information in the Obama Administration


Maret, Susan. Contested Visions, Imperfect Information, and the Persistence of Conspiracy Theories / Intellectual Freedom and U.S. Government Secrecy / Introduction, Government Secrecy, vol. 19 RSPPP / Various posts on secrecy @ bkofsecrets [blog] 


Mendoza, Nikolas. A Tale of Two Worlds: Apocalypse, 4Chan, WikiLeaks and the Silent Protocol Worlds


Molleindustria. Leaky World: A Playable Theory


Nagel, Thomas. Concealment and Exposure


National Audit Office (UK). Implementing Transparency


New Everyday MediaCommons Project. Politics in the Age of Transparency and Secrecy


Nossek, Hillel, & Limor, Yehiel. The Israeli Paradox: Military Censorship as a Protector of Freedom of the Press


Oh, Kate. Trump's Year of Secrecy


O'Hara, Kieron.  Transparent Government, Not Transparent Citizen


Oliver, Julian. Transparency Grenade


Olmsted Kathryn S. Government Secrecy and Conspiracy Theories


Open the Government. Secrecy Reports


Oleszek Walter J. Congressional Lawmaking: A Perspective on Transparency and Secrecy


Piltz, Rick. Secrecy, Complicity, and Resistance: Political Control of Climate Science Communication Under the Bush-Cheney Administration


Pouvoirs, revue francaise d'etudes constitutionnelles et politiques. Transparence et Secret


Pozen, David. Deep Secrecy


Roberts, Alasdair. Open Secrets and Dirty Hands  /  WikiLeaks: The Illusion of Transparency


Ruppert, Evelyn. Lecture, Doing the Transparent State: Methods and their Subjectifying Effects/Affects


Simmel, Georg. The Sociology of Secrecy and of Secret Societies


Sperling, Stefan. The Politics of Transparency and Surveillance in Post-Reunification Germany


Stone, Geoffrey R. Government Secrecy vs. Freedom of the Press


Sunstein, Cass.  Government Control of Information


Tsoukas, Haridimous. The Tyranny of Light   


Various authors, Law and Contemporary Problems: Sequestered Science: The Consequences of Undisclosed Knowledge


Various authors, Secrecy and Society (open access journal)


Various speakers, The Politics and Practices of Secrecy (podcast)


WikiRebels: The Documentary


Wilkinson, Nicholas. National Security, Secrecy, and the Media - A British View


Worthy, Ben, & Bourke, Gabrielle. The Sword and the Shield: The Use of FOI by Parliamentarians


Zizek, Slavov. Good Manners in the Age of WikiLeaks



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